Review Policy
When I review a book, video game, or other product, sometimes I may have received a copy of the item for free, and sometimes I have purchased it with my own funds. If I have received a product for free I will always specify this in the review. My reviews are always a reflection of my honest opinion, regardless of whether I have received a product for free or not. I do not write reviews in exchange for financial compensation.
Affiliate Policy
Links to books or other products may contain affiliate links. The “My Forest Library” and “Video Games as Literature” blogs are currently affiliated with, and any purchases made through affiliate links will generate a small commission for “My Forest Library” and “Video Games as Literature.” You can view’s privacy policy here.
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My Forest Library will collect your name and email only with your consent to send you a newsletter or for giveaway purposes (if you have signed up for a giveaway). Individual giveaway rules and policies will be specified on the post for the giveaway. Your personal information will not be given or sold to third parties.
Copyright Policy
All writing on Video Games as Literature is copyright Kirsten Rodning and may not be plagiarized or copied in any way except as specified by fair use law. Fair use does not include copying an entire document and turning it in as your own paper for a class — sorry kids! Teachers are permitted to use my writing for class discussions as long as the document is properly cited and credit is given. Any artwork posted on Video Games as Literature is copyright Kirsten Rodning unless otherwise specified, and may not be used by anyone else for any purpose. Scraping for artificial intelligence technologies is not permitted on Video Games as Literature or My Forest Library. Anyone found plagiarizing or using writing found on Video Games as Literature or My Forest Library without permission of the author will be prosecuted.
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